La Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie | What The France puts the spotlight on French chanson!
From 12th to 20th March 2022, we’re celebrating the Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie, an initiative that was launched in 1996 by the French Ministry of Culture to promote the French language is all its forms. This 27th edition (themed around a French play on words “ça (d)étonne!”) aims to ensure that a passion for French reverberates across the planet, with comedian and director Michel Boujenah as this year’s patron.
Taking place every year around 20th March, the Journée internationale de la Francophonie, the Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie is a focal point for lovers of words in France and abroad. It offers the public an opportunity to celebrate the richness and modernity of French language through fun, festive events. French is the fifth most spoken language in the world after Mandarin, English, Spanish and Arabic and the only one, other than English, to be present across the five continents. In 2018, across 106 countries and territories, 300 million people were found to be able to express themselves in French.
You can look at the complete programme for la Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie here: https://semainelanguefrancaise.culture.gouv.fr/
For the occasion, What The France has naturally decided to celebrate the French language in music. We’ve compiled a selection of recent songs in a French chanson style, 80 tracks including new music from Zaz, Barbara Pravi, Clara Luciani, Carla Bruni, Vanessa Paradis et Adrien Gallo, Vianney et Mentissa, Grand Corps Malade et Kimberose,  Julien Dorée et Eddy de Pretto, Joyce Jonathan et Ibrahim Maalouf, -M-, Marc Lavoine, Clea Vincent, Bénabar et Renaud, Gauvain Sers, Alain Souchon, Louane, P.R2B, Tibz, Emma Peters, Iliona, Lonny, Gael Faure, Anna Majidson, Baptiste Ventadour, Keren Ann, Achile, Clair and Bernard Lavilliers.

Pardon My Chanson
Sing along with to the latest French chanson hits made in France. Listen nowSee also