

Award visuels_playlists_certifications_exports2023 CNM – Certifications Export 2023 | The Playlist ! On Monday, April 29th, the Centre National de la Musique released certifications for international listens of artists produced in France, in ... Curator WTF -Pochette_Curateur_ mokalamity Mo’ Kalamity | A new EP and an exclusive playlist! French roots reggae singer Mo’Kalamity is back with her latest album, “Shine,” which has been available since March 1st on her own ... Event maisongainsbourg_thumbnail_what_the_france Serge Gainsbourg | Grand opening of ‘La Maison Gainsbourg’ and an exclusive playlist by Sly Dunbar! September 20, opening of Maison Gainsbourg Maison Gainsbourg, located in Paris, is a museum dedicated to the world of the late Serge Gainsbourg ... Event Frabcofolies _thumbnail_what_the_france Francofolies New Caledonia The fifth edition of Francofolies New Caledonia is kicking off this weekend with a stellar line-up!     Friday 15th September | Kyo ... Playlist WTF—Cover-Thèmes_la_revolution Spécial 14 Juillet | What the France’s revolutionary playlist ! Every year, 14th July is synonymous with a national celebration in France, a holiday which was introduced by the the Raspail law of 6th July 1880... Curator tabou1_thumbnail_what_the_france TABOU1 | The legendary French reggae label gives us its story and an exclusive playlist! French reggae label TABOU1 was born in 1996, back when its founder, Guillaume Bougard, was vice-president of the mergers and acquisitions ... Award certification_thumbnail_what_the_france CNM – Certifications Export 2022 | The Playlist ! The Centre National de la Musique (the French National Centre for Music) is revealing the French albums and singles that have found the greatest ... Curator Promo pic Anwar Anwar | New EP and exclusive What The France playlist!  Anwar has unveiled a new EP called Follow Me on French label ThinkZik!. “Je suis un sentimental” (“I’m a sentimental ... Curator JahyanaiTraficInter Jahyanai | Debut album and exclusive What The France playlist! Jahyanai, real name Wendy Torvic and also know as Jahyanaï King, is a French singer-songwriter and producer, originally from Guyana. His music ... Release TJFakoly_what_the_france Tiken Jah Fakoly | Back with a new album The musical success of Tiken Jah Fakoly, which has endured for other three decades, rests on a clear and uncompromising reggae sound which ...