

Playlist Design sans titre (1) ‘ELLES’ | Celebrate female artists’ creativity with our IWD playlist As today is International Women’s Day (IWD), What the France is celebrating female made-in-France artists with its ‘Elles’ playlist. On ... Curator thumbnail_playlist_DeLaurentis (1) DeLaurentis | A new album and an exclusive playlist! DeLaurentis is a French musician, composer, producer and performer. She has just released her new album, titled Musicalism, available since last... Playlist whosampled_FH Françoise Hardy | Our exclusive playlist to celebrate the 81st anniversary of her birth Today she would have been exactly 81 ! In 2024, French music lost one of its most emblematic voices. On Tuesday June 11, Françoise Hardy ... Curator thumbnail_playlist_fakear Fakear | A new album and an exclusive playlist ! Théo Le Vigoureux, better known by his stage name Fakear, is a French electronic music artist. His career took off in 2011, with the release of ... Curator a_made_in_france_selection_by_kartell_playlist Kartell | A new album and an exclusive playlist ! Kartell: Crafting Grooves from Paris to the World Originally from Tours, France, Kartell has made a name for himself in the electronic music ... Video live_shot_agogazo_thumbnail_wordpress_what_the_france Ago Gazo | What the France Live Shot At this year’s edition of BISE Festival in Nantes, we had the privilege of meeting Ago Gazo, a group with multiple influences and a captivating... Curator flavien_berger_thumbnail_wordpress_what_the_france Flavien Berger | A new album and an exclusive playlist! Last October, Flavien Berger enchanted our senses with the masterpiece Music for Maison d’en Face, a spellbinding symphony that charmed us with... Event rone_thumbnail_wordpress_what_the_france (1) Rone | Electro meets orchestra for a unique symphony in London! In the world of music, it’s often the boldest partnerships that forge the most memorable creations, and the story of French electronic maestro ... Event el_gato_negro_thumbnail_wordpress_what_the_france El Gato Negro | A new album and an exclusive playlist! Axel Matrod, a.k.a. El Gato Negro, is a French singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who has spent the last 15 years of his life travelling... Event air_thumbnail_wordpress_what_the_france Air | A tour to celebrate 25 years of Moon Safari! On 16th January 1998, Air, the duo comprised of Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel, released Moon Safari, an album that would revolutionise ...