Yann Tiersen | World tour
Following the February release of his last album ALL, artist and composer, Yann Tiersen will be on tour around the world until July.
ALL album
Tiersen recorded his last album ALL at The Eskal his new studio, venue and community center. Tiersen’s Eskal is a special place. It was built in the abandoned night club of Ushant, a small island in the middle of the Celtic Sea, where the artist has lived for 15 years.
ALL incorporates sound-recordings made in Brittany, Devon’s redwood forest and Berlin’s Tempelhof airport. The album examines Tiersen’s deeper connection to nature.
In the album, Tiersen mostly sings in Breton and invites many fellow artists from that region of France. The album features several guest musicians : Anna von Hausswolff, Ólavur Jákupsson, Denez Prigent, Emilie Tiersen and Gaëlle Kerrien.
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