Bigflo & Oli | A new album after a two year break
After two years of well-earned rest, rap duo Bigflo & Oli are back with a new album. They have previously attracted attention with their innovative video concepts and announced their return with a “release party” on 24th June at the Bercy stadium. They also surprised fans by installing a mobile studio in a number of French cities to record their song ‘Sacré Bordel’.
They also responded to messages from their followers in the video for ‘J’étais pas là’ and responded to any requests made via social media.
Their debut album La Cour des Grands, was released in 2015, was certified gold and made them stars. The follow-up, La Vraie Vie, was certified diamond and their third album, La Vie de Rêve, is currently triple platinum. The brothers are now among the most influential stars in the French music scene. At the end of 2020, their documentary Presque Trop was released on Netflix, but it was followed by a period of radio silence which the pair announced very clearly with their song ‘Au revoir’. Now they’re finally back with a new album, Les autres, c’est nous, which features a prestigious cast of guests: Francis Cabrel, MC Solaar, Leto, Tayc, Julien Doré, Russ, Vald and Olympe Chabert.
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