

Playlist Design sans titre (1) ‘ELLES’ | Celebrate female artists’ creativity with our IWD playlist As today is International Women’s Day (IWD), What the France is celebrating female made-in-France artists with its ‘Elles’ playlist. On ... Playlist WTF—Cover-TheĚmes_who_michel_legrand Michel Legrand | Our exclusive playlist to celebrate the 93d anniversary of his birth ! Today he would have been exactly 93 ! Born in Paris on 24th February 1932 and deceased on 26th January 2019 in Neuilly-Sur-Seine, Michel Legrand... Playlist whosampled_FH Françoise Hardy | Our exclusive playlist to celebrate the 81st anniversary of her birth Today she would have been exactly 81 ! In 2024, French music lost one of its most emblematic voices. On Tuesday June 11, Françoise Hardy ... Curator a_made_in_france_selection_by_nouvelle-vague Nouvelle Vague | A brand new single and an exclusive playlist! Nouvelle Vague is a French group, originally from Paris, formed by Marc Collin and Olivier Libaux in 2003. Over the years, several renowned ... Playlist edit_piaf_what_the_france Edith Piaf | Our exclusive playlist to celebrate the 109th anniversary of her birth ! Exactly 109 years ago, a French music icon was born. . If the story of French icon Edith Piaf (19.12.1915 – 10.10.1963) is well known by the ... Playlist jane-birkin_what_the_france Jane Birkin | Our exclusive playlist to celebrate the 78th anniversary of her birth ! Today she would have been 78. Jane Birkin doesn’t really need any introduction – a singer, actress and muse to the much-missed Serge ... Video _thumbnail_wordpress_James Baker James Baker | What the France Live Shot At the heart of the Chantier des Francofolies in La Rochelle, What the France had the opportunity to meet the young and talented James Baker! At ... Award visuels_playlists_certifications_exports2023 CNM – Certifications Export 2023 | The Playlist ! On Monday, April 29th, the Centre National de la Musique released certifications for international listens of artists produced in France, in ... Video _thumbnail_wordpress – Visceral Visceral | What the France Live Shot At the heart of the Francofolies de La Rochelle’s construction site, What the France met Visceral! Visceral plays with codes by mixing ... Playlist WTF—Cover-TheĚmes_who_sampled_aznavour Aznavour | Who Sampled Aznavour ? The Centenary Playlist! On May 22nd, he would have turned 100! A true icon of French music, Charles Aznavour passed away at the age of 94 (22/5/1924 – 1/10/2018). With...