Miel de Montagne | The Album
Miel de Montagne is a 23 years-old man who pops up in the french musical landscape in june 2018 with some electronics songs tinged with pop and retro sounds. The last 5th of April, his first eponym album Miel de Montagne has been released.
Everything starts when he decided to stop to live the fast Parisian life and left the city. He moved in the countryside, at his parent’s with the desire to sing a simpler life with his guitar.
Between endearing and funny full of ideas young men, he is at the crossroads between the serious pop of Flavien Berger or Muddy Monk and musical eccentricities of Jacques or Salut C’est Cool.
With him, every moment of life can become a song : love for girls (L’amour), his dog (Slow Pour Mon Chien), his mother (Tu n’y Connais Rien). Often with short sentences coming back endlessly as a ritornello, he gives universal feelings with his disarming of sincerity lyrics.
Find him in the “Pardon my Chanson” playlist

Pardon My Chanson
Sing along with to the latest French chanson hits made in France. Listen nowSee also