
Competition PetitBiscuit_Parachute Petit Biscuit | Artiste du mois et jeu-concours Le jeune multi-instrumentiste Petit Biscuit présente Parachute, un album écrit à l’abri des regards, loin des tumultes de ... Release petitbiscuit_what_the_france 30.10.2020 – Friday releases! Fill your ears with the new music on our ‘Latest Releases’ playlist! Every Friday, What The France offers up a selection of the ... Competition PetitBiscuit_Parachute Petit Biscuit | November Featured Artist and Giveaway The young multi-instrumentalist nominated for the Victoires de la Musique 2018 in the breakthrough album category, presents Parachute, an album ... Competition louane_what_the_france Louane | New album ‘Joie de Vivre’, Curated Playlist and Competition! After a two-year break, the famous singer-songwriter Louane has released the singles ‘Donne-Moi Ton Coeur’, ‘Poésie ... Release Major_Lazer_-_Music_Is_The_Weapon_-_Low-Res-Cover Major Lazer | New Album ‘Music Is The Weapon’ Peace was their mission, but now music has become a weapon: Major Lazer, the trio of Diplo, Ape Drums and Walshy Fire have released their fourth ... Event zandarifesta_what_the_france Zandari Festa 2020 ‘Unreal’ edition | 23-25 October 2020 Since 2012, the Zandari Festa, the biggest showcase festival in Korea, has been welcoming artists from across the globe during three days in ... Release Keep Dancing Inc – Embrace – Artwork – kl Keep Dancing Inc | New album ‘Embrace’ After ‘Long Enough’ and current single “Start Up Nation”, the three Parisians that make up KEEP DANCING INC have released... Release aya_nakamura_what_the_france 9.10. 2020 – Friday releases! Fill your ears with the new music on our ‘Latest Releases’ playlist! Every Friday, What The France offers up a selection of the ... Event Peirani_Parisien_1_(C)_JP_Retel Vincent Peirani and Emile Parisien on tour The duo of accordionist Vincent Peirani and soprano saxophonist Emile Parisien are on tour to promote their album Abrazo, released in August. Release kokomo_what_the_france KO KO MO | Cover ‘Last Night a DJ Saved My Life’ Following the huge success of their cover of ‘Personal Jesus’ by Depeche Mode, KO KO MO return with another astounding rendition ...