Polo & Pan | Their ‘Home Sweet Home’ mixtape
French electronic duo Polo & Pan have released their first mixtape – described as “funky yet smooth” by the New York Times,...
Daniel Melingo | “The French appreciate the sophistication and the deeper meaning of a work of art”
Argentinian multi-instrumentalist Daniel Melingo is part of the living history of Argentine rock. In 1980, he joined the group Los Abuelos de la ...
Aārp | A debut album as manifesto
On 22nd May, classically trained experimental producer Aārp is releasing a debut album, Propaganda, which rewards multiple plays and encourages ...
Uèle Lamore | ‘Tracks’ released on 15th May
At only 26 years of age, Uèle Lamore is already a consummate artist. The Franco-American composer, arranger and conductor, who specializes in ...
French Hits Gone international Part 2
Throughout history, artists have performed songs that weren’t their own. Whether authorized or not, some of these covers have become more ...
Baxter Dury | New album
Love isn’t necessarily the appropriate word, but love’s creatures and its illusions are the inspiration behind the new album from ...
Music Europe Day 2020 | 30 artists, 30 countries, all live!
30 artists from 30 countries playing live – that’s what you can expect this Saturday 9th May for Music Europe Day. This EU ...
Jehnny Beth | Debut solo album in June!
Those who have seen her live already know: Jehnny Beth knows how to dominate a stage. The charismatic singer, co-writer and leader of Savages ...
PARIS IS BOILING | Vitalic Live X What The France
What The France is teaming up with MixMag once again to bring you a unique event: PARIS IS BOILING. For this live event in aid of hospital staff,...
The Toxic Avenger | ‘Midnight Resistance’ is on its way!
A focus on emotion The Toxic Avenger is back with his fourth album. It’s undoubtedly his most accomplished, with his compositional skills ...