

Event piers faccini Piers Faccini | Live at Tuned In London Half British, half Italian, and living in France — Piers Faccini‘s inspiration lies in the cultural ambiguity of borderlands, and blurring ... Release uele_lamore_what_the_france Uèle Lamore | ‘Tracks’ released on 15th May At only 26 years of age, Uèle Lamore is already a consummate artist. The Franco-American composer, arranger and conductor, who specializes in ... Event yelli_yelli_what_the_france-2 Yelli-Yelli | Taking a trip to India with ‘La Violence Est Mécanique’ Born in the Parisian suburbs, Yelli Yelli, who has Kabyle and Czech origins, will soon be in India to promote her latest album La Violence Est ... Release quinzequinze_thumbnail_what_the_france QuinzeQuinze | Artist of the month for February Since 2013, QuinzeQuinze have been shaping their own “climatic” music, for lack of an existing category. It’s a term chosen to... Event Instagram What The France x TGE x Kili Presents | New live event on 24th February 2022 in London What The France, in partnership with promoters Kilimanjaro live and The Great Escape festival, are bringing you a unique showcase of emerging ... Release 240058392_10158011208672821_6920409640571911267_n Gaspard Claus | Debut solo album ‘Tancade’ On cello player Gaspar Claus‘s debut solo album, out on 9th September, his instrument is (almost) the only thing you hear – rubbed ... Release joseph_schiano_di_lombo_what_the_france Joseph Schiano di Lombo | A musician who dedicates his art to dogs French musician Joseph Schiano di Lombo has released a new album called Musique de Niche. An ... Release djangodjango_week_what_the_france Django Django | New single, video and an album on the way! Django Django (Because Music), are releasing new album Glowing In The Dark on 12th February next year. While you’re waiting, you can listen... Release dQ5UYs1g Le Commandant Couche-Tôt | Climb on board for an odyssey Le Commandant Couche-Tôt and his Magnifique Orchestre de Claviers invite you on an elegant journey through a science fiction fantasy, ... Release S16_ALBUM_ARTWORK_26.06.2020-SMALL WOODKID | Announcing New Album ‘S16’ Returning seven years after the release of his debut album The Golden Age, which saw him nominated for 2 Grammy Awards, Woodkid’s long-awaited ...